Monday, December 6, 2010

Monogomy, Polygyny and Polyandry

We were asked in class awhile ago if we were naturally monogamous. I feel that we are strongly influenced by our culture and society. We are influenced so strongly that our culture and society seems natural. I know I consider my society and culture natural because I have grown up in the setting it has presented. Thus I feel monogomy is natural to me because I have grown up under that influence. However, if i grew up in a society that practiced polygny and polyandry then I'm sure I would feel that was how I was supposed to naturally act. I dont think we are naturally born with this idea that we are going to be with one person or even many this is something we learn from our external influences, such as, our family society, friends and so on. I think this is how it works in the animal world as well. Most animals live together in a pack and they are to follow and obey the leader. If the leader has sex with many, they will follow suit. Same goes for if they have sex with one the others will follow to stay a member of that pack.

The sesond part of the question asked in class was which is a mor common form of polygymy polygyny or polyandry. The answer is polygyny, the practice of many wives. I believe there is actually a tv show on tlc about it.The following is a link to their disscussion about it.

There are a few video clips and I just find it interesting that it is something they all chose and something they are allright with. I know I wouldnt like it I want to be the only wife to my future husband. However it does not bother me that not everyone practices that.